We are either growing or regressing. While excellence does not mean perfection, we are always striving to be the best we can be.
Honesty gives us credibility, and credibility is the currency of all relationships. Benjamin Franklin said, "Honesty is the best policy."
It's hard to care about our work if we do not first care about people. At the end of the day, we have gained nothing if we worked without caring.
Integrity is when our words match our deeds. It is an important element of how others view us.
It starts with a healthy view of ourselves, which allows us to respect others and accept them.
Unity is when a group of individuals come together to achieve something bigger than themselves.
At Renfrow Industrial, we give every employee a prayer coin. We ask that you put this coin in your pocket as a reminder for you to pray for this company, and for the safety of those around you.
1050 Wilcox Ct.